Want to check your homework? In our database you will find solutions to tasks from textbooks, exercise books and repeaters for primary schools, high schools, technical schools and vocational schools.Is the eighth-grade exam or high school leaving exam approaching? Preparation for exams will be facilitated by step-by-step Matura exam aids, solutions to tasks from exam papers (including sample papers) and problem sets.Mathematics, physics, biology, or maybe English? Scan book barcodes and find your textbooks from over 3,000. position. Add textbooks to your My Books list and use them at any time.In the Table tab you will find a database of 300,000. teachers answers to questions from users. If you are looking for a topic outside the textbook, you can ask your own question and our AI assistant will answer it at any time of the day or night.The Odrabiamy.pl application is an invaluable aid in learning. It is composed of almost 70 teachers who develop educational materials in over 20 school subjects.Download the application and enjoy proven educational materials at your fingertips.Every day we help with learning and we do our homework together 💙